Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Cat Thoughts and Catty Thought

Hi Everyone.
We have not bogged in a while because Momma won't let us have the computer for very long. We only have a little time to check in on Space hook.
Anyhow, we are all fine. Melech had a little trouble with his liver enzymes and was not eating well. He got some medicine and is better.Mugsy is now an Adventure Cat like his Cat Cousin, Fish. He loves to run out and see the birds and look at the sky.

Maddy stays in where she is safe and watches everything from her new cat perch.
Mia is busy taking care of everyone and telling Momma when it is time to eat. She is very vocal when she gets hungry!
We had a good time on Mother's Day. We helped Momma fix lunch and made sure stuff tasted okay before she served it to her guests.

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